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Showing posts from 2021

Army of the Dead Review

An Army of the Dead review in which I talk way too much about zombies.  There’s a certain cinematic nostalgia when it comes to zombie films, those soulless monstrosities that have shed their previous humanness only to now roam in growling and moaning hordes across dystopian landscapes. It’s a pretty simplistic venture. Someone got exposed, that person gets *turned* into an undead killing machine and now everyone is fucked. Wash, rinse, bite a neck, repeat.  So walking into a zombie movie is mostly old hat at this point. It’s something of a solved science. We know how they get made, how they take over, how the humans will react, and ultimately how we’ll win. There are only so many ways to skin this undead flesh.  That doesn’t mean new movies in the genre shouldn’t be made, but rather we can likely temper our expectations some. Zombie flicks are a go-to because we can eliminate one half of the equation outright. We don’t need to know why this particular bad guy is taking ov...